In 2006, my 25 year-old son was killed in a motorcycle accident. Afterwards, I experienced the miracle of contact with him. This connection helped me to shift my perception of death, reframe my grief experience and reclaim a life filled with joy and happiness.
We are the author's of our grief journey. While it is very important to honor our grief, sadness, pain and loss, we can, at the same time, reach out to Spirit and experience the miracle of contact with our loved one. Through after death communication we can heal our grief, move forward without pain to honor our loved one's memory and live a life filled with happiness.
Virginia Hummel knows the grief of losing a child to accidental death. She has been in close contact with Chris since his passing, and when he announced that he was about to be reborn as her grandchild, Virginia was initiated into a phenomenon that is apparently not that uncommon!
Orbs are translucent globes of light that are often photographed with digital cameras, especially those on iPhones. Virginia Hummel, “the Orb Whisperer,” gives us convincing evidence that what we see as orbs are actually living spirits, including our loved ones come to visit with us!
Sandra Champlain, radio host and author interviews Virginia Hummel about her new book Cracking the Grief Code.
How does one explain the little boys premonition of his own death on Malaysian flight MH17? For Virginia Hummel, the signs and premonitions before her son’s death were no coincidence.